“Coaching was easy, effective and enjoyable - I just needed to keep an open mind”

-Nathan, London


Helpful things to know


01 — What is coaching?

The International Coaching Federation (ICF) defines coaching as “partnering with clients in a thought-provoking and creative process that inspires them to maximise their personal and professional potential”.

The key is: as your coach I trust that only you really know what will work best for you to achieve what you want for your life. I don’t tell you what to do. I facilitate the process that gets you to discover your own answers and resources. And we can only do this within a coaching relationship in which you as the client, and me as the coach, are equally committed to its success.

I trained with the Co-Active Training Institute or CTI (formerly the Coach Training Institute), which has been training coaches for over 25 years.

02 - What does it help with?

Coaching can help with any area of your life where you would like to see a change, have a goal you want to achieve, or would like to set a different direction. From career to personal growth, relationships to confidence building, the beauty of the Co-Active approach is that while we keep the overall focus on the area you want to see change in, we are not restricted by it. Each session can bring up something new that expands and enriches your set of available resources. You can read more on examples of topics I help with and what to expect in ‘Why coaching’.

03 — So what do you actually do in a session?

Lots! I’ll try to give you an idea, and the best way is to show you, so if you are curious, let’s book a free chemistry session.

Each session is different. To help you gain awareness and design a path to action, I ask simple, powerful questions. I may also use a series of techniques that can unlock new and often surprising insights. At the core, I listen with empathy and full attention, not only to what you say, but also to what you don’t say, and the things in between. I do that with no judgement or assumptions. At any point, I make sure that I have your permission to try something new or to challenge you. Coaching is something we do together, each step of the way.

04 — What is a chemistry session?

This is a free session that will give you a real sense of what coaching is like and what it can do for you. It gives us both the opportunity to see whether we would work well together. There is no expectation or pressure for you to commit to working with me (or any coach) after a chemistry session.

05 — Do you coach in person or remotely?

Both, I am happy to coach face to face if you live in or around London, or over the phone. I coach in English mainly, but I can also coach in Italian. I speak French and Spanish, so if either is your mother tongue and you need to dip into it from time to time, I can follow. Sessions are usually 1 hour long, and once we decide to work together, the first session of a coaching programme is always longer, as we set the foundations of our coaching relationship.


06 – What next?

Booking your free chemistry session is the way to know if coaching with me is right for you. It will give you valuable insights, independently of whether we decide to work together or not.  

And if we do want to start a coaching journey together, that is thrilling! We will discuss a number and frequency of sessions to achieve your goals, and agree on a payment plan.

So let’s have that chemistry session, and find out what coaching will unlock for you!

Ready for your free chemistry session?

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