What coaching did for me


The greatest gift coaching has given me is a vision for my life, a sense of purpose, and empowerment to transform myself


Before I found a coach, I didn’t even know what coaching was, let alone if it was right for me. I stayed open to possibility, accepted the offer of a chemistry session, and discovered a world of wonder.

Until then I never really had a vision for my life, or allowed myself to have a dream. No surprise I felt so lost.

Coaching gave me the tools and the power to identify what I wanted, feel like I could build my future and be in control of my choices. I am still a work in progress of course, and this is exciting.

Here you can learn more about coaching with me and what you can expect. And if you have any questions, I’d love to hear from you.


Lucrezia Serristori Leroux, LSL Coaching

What people are saying


I always leave the session with a boost of confidence, feeling more in control of my own life and feelings. Lucrezia is a great listener and she has the ability to see behind words.

My coaching sessions with Lucrezia are something I look forward to as they are the safe ‘space’ where it is all about getting to know myself and go outside my usual comfort zones

— Ioana, London

I really didn't know what to expect from coaching, and Lucrezia made sure I was comfortable with whatever we were doing. I found it can help address challenges across all areas of your life. It quickly helped me identify where I wanted to make improvements, work out for myself how I wanted to change them and where I wanted to end up.

— Nathan, London.


What can coaching help you with?


I work with clients from all walks of life and with a variety of personal and professional goals. For example I can help if

  • You have a thirst for change and a lot of very good reasons why you couldn’t, shouldn’t, wouldn’t

  • You have a career goal or life ambition, yet something is holding you back

  • You want something different in your life or career and you don’t quite know what that ‘different’ looks like

  • You want to get unstuck and ignite your motivation; own your confidence and prioritise your needs

  • You are experiencing change in you life and need to find out how to navigate it


As long as you have a desire for change, are open to trying something different, and are willing to put in what is needed to achieve that transformation, coaching can unlock unexpected possibilities


Working with me you can expect

  • A professional, confidential and warm approach

  • My full listening attention 

  • A trusting, safe space to experiment with and experience new ways of being, looking at and doing things

  • To discover resources that power and support the change you want to see in your life

I trained with the Co-Active Training Institute or CTI (formerly the Coach Training Institute), which has been training coaches for over 25 years


Want to know more?

Check out the next page, or get in touch